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A “ghetto-themed” off-campus party allegedly held by U.C. San Diego students called “Compton Cookout” prompted Assemblyman Isadore Hall, the Assistant Speaker pro Tempore, to hold a press conference today at 11 a.m. in Sacramento condemning the event as racist and sexist.
Hall, (D-52) and members of the Asian Pacific Islander, Black, Latino, LGBT and women’s caucuses in the state legislature are calling on university officials to investigate organizers of the event, and determine what sanctions, including suspension, should be taken against the fraternity or fraternities responsible for the event.
The event was held Monday, and its invitation spread via Facebook urged guys to “be rockin’ Jersey’s, stuntin’ up ya White T (XXXL smallest size acceptable) . . .”
Girls were advised to be like “ghetto chicks”– “gold teeth, start fights and drama, and wear cheap clothes–they consider Baby Phat to be high class and expensive couture. They also have short, nappy hair and usually wear cheap weave, usually in bad colors such as purple or bright red.”
The party was supposed to be in honor of Black History Month.
University Chancellor Marye Anne Fox sent an e-mail to students and staff saying the party showed “blatant disregard of our campus values.” She also said the university would hold a teach-in next Wednesday “to discuss the importance of mutual respect and civility.”
Officials are also investigating whether the party and Facebook invitation violated the university’s code of conduct and whether its sponsor should be disciplined.
Pi Kappa Alpa fraternity is accused of holding the party, but the group’s president Garron Engstrom, said the party was neither planned nor endorsed by the organization.

