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Study: Women, African Americans, conservatives least likely to get COVID-19 vaccine


Although millions are lining up to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, opinions remain varied. Many view the vaccine as a saving grace that will deliver the world from the seemingly never-ending pandemic nightmare. Others, however, prescribe to more conspiracy-centric beliefs. Researchers from Texas A&M University surveyed 5,000 people and find nearly a third of Americans do not plan on getting the vaccination once it becomes available to them, reports


In total, 31.1 percent of those polled say they have no plans to get the shot right away. Moreover, the results find African-Americans, women and conservatives are more likely to refuse the COVID-19 vaccine and not trust that it is safe. Statistically, females are a staggering 71 percent more likely to refuse the vaccine and African-Americans are 41 percent more likely to do the same.

The survey also reveals that politics play a big role in a person’s vaccination beliefs. For each one-point increase in conservatism, a respondent’s odds of saying they’ll refuse the vaccine increased by 18 percent. The survey was conducted in mid-2020, before the presidential election.

As far as why so many are skeptical about the vaccine, two main reasons kept coming up among respondents. Americans say safety concerns and skepticism regarding the shot’s effectiveness are key in their decision.

