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GirlTrek, Obama in partnership: ‘When We All Vote’


Voter registration is more important now than ever before and GirlTrek’s Black Girl Justice League has partnered with When We All Vote, a non-profit, non-partisan organization launched by Michelle Obama in 2018. When We All Vote is on a mission to change the culture around voting, increase participation in every election, and help close the race and age voting gap.

During September, National Voter Registration Month, GirlTrek is having all members check their voter registration information and help register others. Updating voter registration information is critical for people who have recently moved, changed their name, or had their voting rights restored under the law.

“Nearly 60 percent of eligible voters don’t know they are eligible and haven’t been asked to register to vote,” said Jewel Bush, GirlTrek’s chief of external affairs. “Every vote counts and every voice matters. Great organizers like Ella Baker, Septima Clark, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Rosa Parks built power by bringing people together and the Black Girl Justice League is guided by the footsteps of our foremothers.”

In Los Angeles County, to be eligible to vote in an election, you must have registered 15 days before Election Day.

Originally launched in 2016, the #BlackGirlJusticeLeague mobilized more than 50,000 people from across the country to walk to the polls, more than 100 precinct walks and dozens of early voting marches in places like Denver, New Orleans and Memphis. Visit

