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Learn the best methods of becoming an author


The Palmdale Playhouse, 38334 10th St. East in Palmdale, will host a “Publishing Primer: An Educational Presentation for Aspiring Authors,” presented by WordWise Media Services on Saturday, Feb. 1 from 1 to 5 p.m. Admission is $5.

Attendees will learn from experienced professionals with years of literary experience both as writers and as agents. Topics to be discussed include the publishing market, self-publishing, copyright, networking, writers conferences, publishing contracts, the role of literary agents, and more.

“Today’s publishing environment offers new and unprecedented opportunity for new writers to make their mark, but where do you start?” asked Steve Hutson, owner of WordWise Media. “New business models and whiz-bang technologies make it easier than ever to get a book out there. But here’s the other half of the equation that no one talks about: as we crank out more and more new titles each year, the pool of retail buyers remains unchanged. The market is more competitive than ever, and far too many new authors rush in without educating themselves.”

Attendees are encouraged to bring their questions, “thick skin,” and hard-learned lessons.

For more information and to buy tickets, visit www.

