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Black Church leaders mount fight against new ‘male feminization’


The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a faith-based coalition of 34,000 churches comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African Americans, will resist the present movement, in their push to feminize our society in light of the horrendous behavior of certain White males. In sociological terms “feminization” is the shift in gender roles and sex roles in a society, group, or organization towards a focus upon the feminine. This is the opposite of a cultural focus upon masculinity. What the Black Church is saying here is that we will resist any attempt at the cultural movement lead by radical White females and their homosexual allies, to marginalize the role of men in society in favor of accommodating women and gays in leadership positions, just because of the present environment.

The reason why the Church speaking out now is because many White intellectuals and institutions will be creating policies in the notion of protecting women by deemphasizing male masculinity (neutering men) but, it will have a negative ramification on women’s relationships with men.

The Church wants to warn both the feminist movement and the gay movement that this is not an opportunity for them to try to pose their radical sexual agenda on this society. Men will then view women as a liability and not the opposite sex, therefore trying to undermine the concept of the Christian family. If these new rules are written and customs are adopted, they will run counter to the Biblical teachings of the role of women in a Christian marriage and the role of children in a Christian home. This conflict will cause many not to marry because they will see women as the enemy.

“The Black Church has consistently condemned the actions against women who have been sexually assaulted and harassed in their work space.” said Rev. Anthony Evans, NBCI president. “The Church sees these are clear issues, especially in the case of Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose and Bill O’Reilly. What is disturbing here, is the fact that all three of these men were fired because of mere allegations. No due process, no rule of law was taken into account. Just because a person looks guilty and sounds guilty is not enough to say he is guilty according to our court of law.”

There are four particular cases in the recent firings that have really sought to verify the crux of NBCI’s argument here. Forcing Sen. Al Franklin to resign without due process, the firing of Matt Lauer from NBC, the firing of Charlie Rose from CBS and the recent firing due to several prominent White women who filed a suit against their teacher at Columbia University for something that occurred some 30 years ago. All of these cases speak to the need of due process but, they were handled in a lynch mob mentality thus creating an environment where men and women do not trust each other anymore.

Many may be baffled as to why the National Black Church Initiative is taking such an ominous position. What we see emerging is the marginalization of men in society in light of this new women revolution, because they found out (which they already knew) that a few powerful White males were using white women as their sexual toys.

The Church has always condemned such behavior. The Church is neither pro men or pro women. But, the Bible is clear as to the divine roles of both of the sexes. We are not going to sit idly by and allow a few White women who have been sexually abused, and their homosexual allies, to begin to redefine the role of men in the general society.

The Black Church is completely uneasy with the notion that someone can lodge an allegation against another with no proof that the act took place, but that a lynch-mob mentality would cease on the allegations causing the person’s life to be ruined. This type of lynch-mob allegation cannot and should not work in a civilized democratic society.

African American males know all too well to be accused of something, without having any evidence that they did what they were accused of. Every Black African American male, since the death of Emmett Till understand the power of being accused in a lynch mob mentality. This is why the Black Church will not stand idly by and allow prominent, well educated White women to create a culture and a system of allegations that can lead to death.

We know the difference between assault and rape as opposed to a gesture or a word towards a female. You should not go to jail because you said to a particular White woman that she has a nice dress, or lose your job or reputation. This kind of mentality has to stop, and we must get back to the whole notion of civility, of clear reflection, of evidence-based allegations and judgment. We cannot ever allow this type of mentality and the marginalization of men and Christian families to take place with merely an allegation.

