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New space greens Florence Firestone


More than 100 elementary school students recently joined Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina to dedicate a new fitness park in the community. The park was named by third grade student Natalie Torres as part of a contest at Lillian Elementary School.

The one-acre park offers recreation and outdoor fitness activities, and is the first to use recycled materials for benches and tables, solar lighting, a jogging path, and other fitness equipment.
El Parque Nuestro is located at 1675 Gage Ave., in the middle of L.A. county’s most park-poor community.

Before the introduction of the new park, the closest similar location was more than a mile away. El Parque Nuestro cost $2.1 million to construct and was funded by Prop. 40 and Prop. 62.

“With the addition of new private-public partnership housing, it was necessary to build this new park to fill the need for more green and recreation space in this neighborhood. During the past few years, we have worked to transform blighted properties into much-needed housing and community parks,” said Molina.

