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Ballots will be counted


Acting Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder Dean Logan told the county  supervisors Tuesday that at least half of the estimated 49,500 uncounted  Decline-to-State (DTS) nonpartisan ballots from the February 5  presidential primary election will be tallied.
Of the estimated  200,000 DTS voters, 50 percent voted correctly and 25 percent didnt  pick a presidential candidate, leaving 25 percent who had voted for a  presidential candidate incorrectly.
The Democratic ballot included  eight choices and the American Independent ballot only three. The  ballots did not overlap for slots 11 through 15, including the slots for  Democrats Clinton and Obama.
Logan said that it can be reasonably be  inferred that any ballots marked on slots 11 through 15 were cast for a  Democratic candidate.
For ballots marked on slots 8 through 10, the  Registrar-Recorders office will determine whether they were cast in a  precinct where all of the DTS voters cast ballots for either American  Independent or Democratic rosters in which the information was recorded.
The  Democratic primary was winner-take-all by congressional district, with  the winner of each district garnering three delegates. It is not  expected that the recounting will affect the outcome.

