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Healthy and wise


A massage is not an indulgence. It is a matter of health and wellness.
That is a driving philosophy for Texas-born realtor and entrepreneur Sharon Mackie, and for the last seven years, she and her husband, David Rice, have used that belief to spur the growth of their Inglewood-based business–Salon 313.
“I am a spa person, and I love to relax. It’s a very big part of your well being,” explained Mackie, who wanted to introduce the benefits she had personally gained from going to the spa to the African American community.
Blacks as a group, do not totally understand how pampering oneself can be a crucial part of health, added Mackie. “. . . If you are always stressed, the body never starts to heal. But, when you take your body to a level of peace, that healing is priceless.
Mackie began the business–located about a block north of Florence Avenue on La Brea Avenue in Inglewood–with a beauty parlor in 2000, but that was just a small part of the dream. “I had a vision of a beauty center.”
By 2003, she and her husband had purchased the entire building and slowly began bringing their business to life. Today there are three salons, one barber shop, a nail salon and the body salon which offers arm and hand treatments, back scrubs, facials, skin correcting and more.
Ideally, Mackie said she hopes to re-establish the full body massage portion of the business, and add a steam room, infared treatment and have an acupuncturist on staff.
At one point, the entrepreneur said the salon offered pilates and yoga, but they have pulled back on that for the moment.
“We may even want to include a small gym,” Mackie said.
Underlying all of the additions, which have been financed by the couple and handled by Rice, who is a contractor, is the idea of educating the African American community about the real health benefits of allowing your body to be de-stressed by spa treatments.

