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Bullying of Blacks takes a toll on mental health

Although Black children make up 15 percent of the US public school population, they comprise 35 percent of those who reported being harassed or bullied on the bases of race, color or national origin according to the US Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. As some lawmakers and parents attempt to limit teachings about racism,…

Race neutrality is anti-Blackness

During this Supreme Court session, the justices will tackle affirmative action in two cases brought by “Students for Fair Admissions” opposing affirmative action policies at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina.  According to its website, this group represents “20,000 students, parents, and others who believe that racial classifications and preferences to college admissions…

The Politics of lying, blustering and head-faking the electorate

While we are all quite used to politicians and would-be pols stretching the truth, negatively asking leading questions about opponents, fibbing about an opponent’s real record in or out of office, these are the days of the outright liars, planters of real misinformation, and perfidy.  These are the calumny days of Trump’s insistence that we…

Federal court halts Biden’s student loan debt forgiveness for now

A federal appellate judge on October 21 temporarily blocked the Biden Administration from canceling student debt in response to a lawsuit filed by six conservative states alleging they could be hurt financially by the plan. The court blocked the plan after the states appealed a lower court’s decision to throw out their suit due to…

South Los Angeles has the highest concentration of parolees

The United States doesn’t have one “criminal justice system;” instead, we have thousands of federal, state, local, and tribal systems. Together, these systems hold almost 2 million people in 1,566 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 2,850 local jails, 1,510 juvenile correctional facilities, 186 immigration detention facilities, and 82 Indian country jails, as well as in…

Gig workers push for a union

California gig workers are taking a stand against mal labor practices by companies like Uber, Lyft, Doordash, and others. Just like employees at worksites for Amazon, Starbucks, Trader Joe’s, Chipotle, and other major companies. They are forming a union designed to give them a strong collective voice and power.  California gig workers want the right…

Save California’s children with yes vote on Proposition 31

Next week, you have a chance to save lives by voting YES on Proposition 31. By voting YES, you are voting YES for life, YES for health and you are voting to protect our youth from Big Tobacco! But most importantly you will be voting YES to help end the cycle of addiction, disease and…