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White lady calls cops on Black man because his dog was humping hers


Racism is not funny. However, this story out of Massachusetts is sure to draw some laughter. According to news reports, a White lady called the cops on a Black man, apparently over the fact that his dog humped hers while they were at a dog park. The Internet has already spread the story and dubbed the woman “Dog Park Diane.”

Dog owner Franklin Baxley told the Huffington Post on Friday that he took his pitbull Dusse and his nephew’s dog to Attleboro Dog Park, where a woman called the police to report him because his dog was humping hers. An officer eventually arrived, but no citation was issued. Baxley, a former attorney, posted several videos of the incident to Facebook on Thursday, where it has drawn nearly a million views. In the videos, the woman says into a cellphone that she is being “verbally assaulted” and later accuses Baxley’s dog of assaulting her dog. “You’ve heard of Barbecue Becky ― because this is the newest one here,” he says to the camera as the woman appears to be on the phone with police.

